To all the wonderful people I've been so grateful and honored
to serve through my printing business, thank you from the
fullness of my heart. It's been a privilege to work with you and
help all your dreams come true. It is only by the grace of God
that I have been able to use his blessing of creativity to serve
people in this community and beyond. My time as a client
based graphic artist has expired. God is once again calling me
to serve in a different capacity. I humbly ask for your patience
and prayers during this time.
As of today, October 12th 2021, I am suspending my client based
operation indefinitely. I will finish all ongoing jobs. I will do my
absolute best to help my existing clients transition to someone
new. That said, I will always keep your art files in the event that
I open up my client based service in the future. Thank you ever
so much and may God be with you all.
Travis "Featherhawk" Snyder